In early April, we called up our longtime partners at Arvin Goods to catch up, trade quarantine tales, and talk about how crazy our lives had gotten balancing work, school schedules, and family. The conversation turned to socks, naturally, and what we’d work on next together… and we landed on tie-dye! We’re all lounging at home in our most comfortable clothes, so why not have a little fun where we can?

Treat your feet to our limited-edition indigo tie-dye socks. Made sustainably by Arvin Goods and hand-dyed by our friend Jasen Bowes at ELSEVVHERE, these natural beauties are born from a good-natured collaboration, and we’re excited to share them with you.

Socks That Look & Feel Good
That’s right. These are socks you won’t want to take off. We’ve been selling Arvin Goods for a while now because they’re the socks we wear. They’re made with the planet in mind — Arvin Goods saves over 50 gallons of water per pair by using clean manufacturing processes and planet-friendly fibers. These ones are a soft blend of recycled cotton and recycled polyester fibers. Their signature embroidered pennant means you’re wearing the cleanest socks you can buy (head here to learn more).

“Natural indigo requires care to grow, harvest, prepare, and dye, which results in a beautifully rich color of blue… I love using indigo with my bare hands as it really connects me with the earth through the dye process and leaves me with a lasting impression (my hands and arms will be blue for about 36 hours) of my efforts.”
– Jasen Bowes, Natural Dyer & ELSEVVHERE Founder

Dyed by Hand for Your Feet
We love tie-dye. It’s nostalgic, it’s colorful, and it’s bold. And when we’re back hanging at our friends’ houses, you'll be getting tons of compliments on your feet. Each pair is hand-dyed by Jasen, who’s not only the co-founder of Arvin and founder of ELSEVVHERE, he’s a longtime student of authenticity and soul — in doing things thoughtfully, slowly, and creatively. After lengthy experimentation, he landed on the perfect pattern and dyed and air-dried each pair right in his home studio in Portland, Oregon.

“Since they are not harmful chemicals used in plant dying, you can dispose of the water after use back into the garden or even the compost bin. It’s quite remarkable what can be done with plant dyes when you really dig in and do your research.” – Jasen Bowes

Naturally Radical
Dyeing can be dirty. Fashion dye houses pollute waterways around the world, which is why we are extremely careful with the dyes we use. This rich blue is achieved with a plant-based dye, so natural Jasen didn’t even bother to wear gloves! The indigo used here is derived from Indigofera tinctoria plants grown in southern India. The leaves are soaked in water and fermented over a few days’ time. Indigo is colorfast by nature but will eventually fade over time with regular washings for a vintage look we love.

Make the most of these strange days and have some fun every step of the way! The planet and your feet will thank you.

October 08, 2020 — Outerknown Journey