A New Wave Of Performance

A New Wave Of Performance

As surfers, we know better. We know petroleum doesn’t belong in the ocean. But still, it’s everywhere: in our wetsuits, bathing suits, boards, leashes, even wax. That’s why we’re psyched...
May 21, 2020 — Annie McBride
Bruce Brown Films X Outerknown

Bruce Brown Films X Outerknown

Surf films are about escape, and in these uncertain times, escape has become not just a theme, but a vital necessity. In the early ’60s, filmmaker Bruce Brown, along with...
May 13, 2020 — Jamie Brisick
Treat Your Feet, Protect The Planet

Treat Your Feet, Protect The Planet

Living a sustainable lifestyle extends beyond the clothes we make, so we’re broadening the range of goods we supply by launching FUTURESHOP, your one-stop shop for sustainable innovation. We did...
May 07, 2020 — Annie McBride
Tread Lightly Today<Br/> For A Better Tomorrow

Tread Lightly Today<Br/> For A Better Tomorrow

As a coastal brand, sandals have been a long time coming for us, and we’re proud to partner with a leader in social impact to finally make it happen, and...
April 29, 2020 — Annie McBride
Kelly & John Catch Up On Sustainability & The Evolution Of Outerknown

Kelly & John Catch Up On Sustainability & The Evolution Of Outerknown

Outerknown’s founders jumped on a Zoom call on Earth Day, attempted to record it, and our Art Director attempted to edit it. We thought their conversation would be relevant right...
April 24, 2020 — Aidan Gray
Our Endless Commitment To Circularity

Our Endless Commitment To Circularity

We just released our 2030 Sustainability Strategy, outlining our commitment to circularity. This is huge for us and the fashion industry at large. The way we see it, we have...
April 16, 2020 — Aidan Gray
Finding Our New Rhythm & Living Simply

Finding Our New Rhythm & Living Simply

photos by: Lars Jockumsen As we ride through these uncertain times, we wanted to bring you a refreshing story for a little uplift. Takkesh Mizoguchi-Thorne has been a friend of...
March 25, 2020 — Annie McBride
Adventurous Style, Artisan-Crafted

Adventurous Style, Artisan-Crafted

True sustainability means considering our impact on the planet and the people who bring our vision to life, so we choose our partners as carefully as we choose our materials....
March 03, 2020 — Annie McBride
The Sweater & The Chocolate Chip Milkshake

The Sweater & The Chocolate Chip Milkshake

photos by: William C. Brisick Outerknown's Nostalgic Sweater stirred that exact feeling in me. As I peeled into the 2020 piece (so comfortable!), I was suddenly transported to my junior...
February 19, 2020 — Jamie Brisick
Kudhva Cabins: North Cornwall'S Off-Grid Hideout

Kudhva Cabins: North Cornwall'S Off-Grid Hideout

Last year we ran a piece about Kudhva, an off-grid ecolodge nestled into the brambles and raw greenery of North Cornwall, England. On a recent visit to London, I hopped...
February 12, 2020 — Jamie Brisick
Spring 2020: Nostalgic Futurism

Spring 2020: Nostalgic Futurism

Our spring line takes its cues from the coast, but not any one specific coast, more of a universal coast — there is salt spray and sparkling seas and a...
January 28, 2020 — Jamie Brisick
Organic Matters

Organic Matters

We’re hoping that 2020 will be a breakaway year with regards to ethical and sustainable practices within the apparel industry. Never has it been more glaring and urgent. Fast-fashion was...
January 15, 2020 — Jamie Brisick